Oración para cuando te sientes atacado(a)


Oración para cuando te sientes atacado(a)



Señor tú me rodeas cual escudo y mantienes en alto mi cabeza (Salmo 3:3). Me concedes la victoria sobre mis enemigos (Deuteronomio 28:7). Vísteme de armadura espiritual para poder hacer frente a las artimañas del enemigo (Efesio 6:11) y líbrame de todo mal (2 Timoteo 4:18). Señor es que las armas con las que yo lucho no son de este mundo, sino que tienen poder para derribar fortalezas (2 Corintios 10:3). Por que mi lucha no es contra seres humanos, sino contra poderes, y autoridades; contra potestades que dominan este mundo (Efesios 6:12). Dame la sabiduría para vencer el mal con el bien (Romanos 12:21) y gracias, Padre por que tu me das la victoria (1 Corintios 15:57).

Creating resolutions/goals with a purpose


New Year’s resolutions/goals





The New Year is typically a time most people take to reflect on who they have been and how they can improve in the new year. It can get stressful however, to think what should I improve, how do I go about it and why?

Here is my plan for keeping it simple and I hope it helps you, as much as it has helped me over the years!

Your goals or as many call them, new year’s resolutions, should include three purposes and we’ll even look into ways to make it happen. Number one, create a goal that will grow you in your spiritual sphere. The spiritual aspect of an individual is very important for their psychological well-being because it allows them to find meaning in life. Now please don’t misunderstand, to be spiritual you do not need to be religious. According to the National Alliance of Mental Illness, the difference between religion and spirituality is that religion provides with an “organized system of beliefs that call for certain actions by the individual” while spirituality is left to the individual’s beliefs and way of living. Neither one is wrong, however you decide which you will follow.

          Here are some initiatives for you to consider accomplishing this resolution.

·       Read the bible (or whatever spiritual book you deem appropriate)

·       Pray or meditate

·       Join a group or church

·       Some people fast to find a connection to their spiritual side

·       Get a spiritual mentor

Your second goal/new year resolution should include learning a new skill. This one is simple, if you don’t know something and in the past, it has presented an issue to you, learn it this year. For example, in the past for me not being well versed in excel presented roadblocks for me both at work and at school. Rather than saying, oh well, I learned as much as I could by taking online learnings and practicing on my own. I especially like this goal, because every year whether you attend school or not, it helps challenge yourself and grow. In addition, it keeps your brain nice and healthy!

Here are some initiatives you can implement to accomplish this one.

·       Learn a new skill at work, find a mentor that can teach it to you and get on it!

·       Make use of podcasts or videos available to you on that skill

·       If you are wanting to learn a new language, consider applications on your cell phone such as, duolingo.

·       Read about it, hear about it, and talk about it! To learn a new skill your brain will need to be exposed to it in several different ways.

·       Practice, practice and practice! The experts on that skill you are wanting to acquire were not born doing it. It takes a whole lot of practice.

That last goal/new year resolution will have you becoming healthier both physically and mentally. I know what you’re thinking! Oh, here we go, I have to lose weight and stop eating fried food! Not necessarily! Unless you want to, of course. This resolution does not require for you to make an ambitious goal out of it. For example, lose 20 pounds, or stop smoking or stop drinking. It’s smaller changes that you might not even notice you are making and in the long run will lead to a healthier you.

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          Here are some initiatives to consider helping you get healthier!

·       Walk 30 minutes daily. This one you will find that will help you mentally as well, as for those 30 minutes you will not only have a chance to clear your mind, but your body will be producing a lot more ‘happy hormones’.

·       Meditate for a few minutes a day.

·       Drink more water.

·       Eat less sugary items.

·       Cut back on unhealthy eating habits progressively.

·       Sleep better.

·       Keep a journal to help you express your emotions in a way that allows for you to go back and see what progress you have made.


By following these simple, yet very effective actions you will be on your way to a successful new year in terms of your resolutions/goals.  

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