Employee Retention

If employee retention is not at the forefront of your organizational goals this year, allow me to tell you why it should be.

In this era of the “great resignation” companies are facing unprecedented times when it comes to seeing their best assets leave their organization. Never have we seen employees resign in the millions world-wide as we have the past year or so. Without getting too deeply into the why this is happening and how we could have avoided the whole thing, let me remind you that a constant turnover of employees can be damaging for any team, in any industry. Not only does it cost organizations millions of dollars to replace an employeen worldwide, but it can also affect the employee morale and the culture of the organization.

That being said, the impact a high turnover rate has on an organization’s success is not debatable, but why is it so hard to retain employees and what is employee retention by the way?
Before we answer those questions, please let’s look into very common misconceptions about employee retention.

·       Employee retention does not start with an employee submitting a resignation

·       It is not negotiating with a candidate who has been offered more somewhere else

·       Employee retention does not include revisiting the benefit package at the time once you hear someone is considering searching for another employer

·       A good employee retention strategy is not offering them the possibility of growth at the time they have a leadership role pending with a competitor

Employee retention strategies should start with the onboarding program. Every employee who applies for a position in your organization should be able to tell the difference between that application and those many others submitted. It starts with a good application process, an excellent robust, yet short, interview protocol that includes the possibility of discussing the position and its responsibilities with employees who do it on a daily basis.

Employee retention happens with the employee entering their work space for the first time ever and feeling welcomed the very moment they step foot in your doors.

Employee retention takes place daily as the employee puts in their best effort in completing the tasks assigned and the manager shows appreciation for the effort. It even happens when that employee makes mistakes and is addressed for those gracefully and respectfully. Employee retention is every step of the training process for that employee.


The employee retention strategy for an organization does not end with training though, it goes on with the appreciation for the employee’s loyalty. It means celebrating their personal and professional accomplishments.


Some leaders want employees to separate their personal and professional lives, however have you ever stopped to consider how an employee’s mental health can affect their work? Employee retention means being flexible and understanding of the employees’ personal situations and how those can impact their ability to do the job. It is in your best interest as a leader of a team to have happy, dedicated employees and that can only be accomplished with a good work-life balance.


Employee retention means providing the employee who has demonstrated the appropriate leadership skills with the training and career path necessary to reach the next step of the career ladder. It does not mean creating a position for them if you don’t have one available. It means developing them into the leader you will need tomorrow and taping into your internal resources for your next leadership position. The mere possibility of growth can mean the difference between an employee who stays and one who searches for that possibility outside of your organization.


Employee retention is providing with team-building activities that allows not just for the team to work well together, but also challenge each other and tap into each other for their best talents.


Employee retention is crucial for organizational success!

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