I want to travel, but I can't afford it! Here's how you can create a fund for traveling more

 If this past years, do we dare say it (2020) has taught us is that life is short and can change at any time. Also, there's nothing left at the end of this journey called life, but the memories you create along the way. 

Traveling is a great way to go about creating memories. 
It helps you bond with others, learn about new cultures and strengthens relationships. 

So why don't we do more of it? 

Because we think we can't! 

The majority of those wanting to travel don't do it because of lack of funds to do so 🤑 That's because after paying rent and bills and putting food on the table, what are the chances that we may have extra to go on traveling? The truth is, many of us can do more traveling with a few simple steps and your family too can start creating memories together. 

Here are a few steps to take to get a fund started for traveling; 

1. Make a list of primary expenses. Remember to include your mortgage/rent, utilities, car, insurance, groceries..etc. These are the expenses you can't do without! 

2. Now make a list of those expenses that are optional. For example, dinning out, date nights, hobbies..etc. You may need to keep all receipts for a month or review your bank statement to really dive into all those "extra" expenses. 

3. Now review with your partner both lists and create a budget. This will allow you to see where you can make changes to put away some money into a 'traveling' account. As little as $20 a week might be enough for you to have a fund at the end of the year for traveling purposes ($20 x 52 = $1040). 

4. Don't think you can keep those savings? Work with your bank online banking tools and set the funds to go directly into a savings account from the minute you get your direct deposit. This way you're not thinking about it! OUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF MIND! Setting up this automatic transfer from your online banking, is simple and in a few months your savings will add up. 

5. Did you know to travel you don't need to pay all the money up front? There are plenty of vacations to take with your family that you can pay on a monthly basis for. So go ahead, check with your favorite travel agency for financing options. 

6. Bonuses, taxes, gifts? Consider putting the little bit of extra money you get occassionally into your traveling account or investment account instead of into that new purse or pair of shoes you'd like. 

Following these easy steps will allow you to build up a traveling fund that can take your family to places you never thought possible. This way you will create memories that will last a lifetime! 

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What do you pack for a trip to Italy?

 Now that you have reserve your spot on the group tour, start thinking about what to pack. 

the luggage should be a light one preferably with wheels for easier transfer from bus to hotel, and vise versa. When considering the size of it, remember, this is a bag you must carry with you multiple times through the trip as we will visit three different cities and change hotels frequently. 

your cell phone might need to be charged several times a day, especially if you are using it to capture the memories of the trip. It will be important to get a portable, light weight battery charger. 

speaking of plugs, don't forget to get an adapter/converter for your electric devices. 


Pack nice comfortable, walking boots that will give you ankle support, in the event of having to walk uneven terrain. Lot's of this in Rome! 
Also, if you happen to be caught in the rain, you'll know your feet will need to remain dried. Tip, do not buy new boots for the trip, or if you do make sure to wear them a lot before going to away. There's nothing worst than walking several hours a day to get blisters from a pair of new boots! 


layers as opposed to heavy jackets 

It may get cold, or it may not. Rather than packing a heavy winter jacket, that can make it hard to get around, dress in layers. 

Jeans~ there's no need to make any fashion statements my friends. Be comfortable and enjoy the trip of your lifetime. You can't go wrong with jeans! 4 for a 9 day trip should be sufficient. And don't forget the t-shirts or long sleeve shirts to go along with those. 


Make your reservations today! 

Two easy ways for travelers to enroll: 

1.      Call our dedicated group member reservation line: 1-800-438-7672 

1.      Reference Tour Number: 70072333

**It is very important that your group members use one of these methods to enroll rather than on our public website. This will reduce confusion and ensure they are credited towards your Free Place(s). 

1.      Visit your personalized website:  https://grouptoursite.com/tours/ItalyWithLily


Italy 2022


For those of you who have known me for a while now you know a few years ago we put a group of people together and went to Europe! 
It was an amazing experience and an awesome time. We started in London for 3 days, moved on to an additional 3 days in France (that's right Paris) and finished our trip with 3 days in Rome. 
We're doing it again! 

This time I'd like to put a group together to visit the beautiful Italy. 

The itinerary will include Venice, Florence and Rome. 

We will arrive in Venice on November 5th, 2022 and depart 😒 on November 13th. 

While round trip and tours are included on the price of $3756, they are optional. If you have miles or points on your airline credit card and want to use those, that's cool! If you have someone you can find you a cheaper flight, even better. The price without the excursions or flights would be $2,139.

You can reserve your spot for $99 if you set up automatic deductions  (highly recommended) for the $160 monthly payment  or $40 weekly payment.  I personally use the automatic deductions because a) out of sight out of mind and b) I don't have to come up with a big deposit for the trip ($300 pp). 


What about COVID19?
current policies in regards to Covid-19 and our extended Risk-Free booking period. If you and your travelers enroll on a 2022 tour from now until January 31st, you will have until May 1st 2021 to cancel your reservation and receive a full refund of all monies paid. More information can be found on our Travel Safety Page - https://www.goaheadtours.com/about/plan-travel-with-confidence 

If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comment section! No question is stupid and chances are you're not the only one thinking the same. 

Make your reservations today! 

Two easy ways for travelers to enroll: 

1.      Call our dedicated group member reservation line: 1-800-438-7672 

1.      Reference Tour Number: 70072333

**It is very important that your group members use one of these methods to enroll rather than on our public website. This will reduce confusion and ensure they are credited towards your Free Place(s). 

1.      Visit your personalized website:  https://grouptoursite.com/tours/ItalyWithLily


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